TLS Authentication on Strimzi by using Strimzi Kafka CLI

TLS Authentication

In this example we will demonstrate setting up TLS authentication for Strimzi using Strimzi Kafka CLI. So let's get started!

First lets list the clusters and see our clusters list.

kfk clusters --list


If you don't have any Kafka cluster that is created on your OpenShift/Kubernetes, pls. see the Strimzi Quick Start document or simply use:

kfk clusters --create --cluster my-cluster -n kafka

Assuming we have a cluster called my-cluster already set up for us let's list the topics in the cluster

kfk topics --list -n kafka -c my-cluster

If it is a new cluster probably there is no topic living in the cluster yet. So let's create a new topic for our example.

Create a topic called my-topic with 12 partitions and replication factor 3 in my-cluster cluster

kfk topics --create --topic my-topic --partitions 12 --replication-factor 3 -n kafka -c my-cluster

Run console producer to produce messages to my-topic

kfk console-producer --topic my-topic -n kafka -c my-cluster

Run console consumer to consume messages from my-topic

kfk console-consumer --topic my-topic -n kafka -c my-cluster

After being sure to produce and consume messages without a problem, now lets enable the authentication for TLS. In Strimzi, if you want to enable authentication, there are listeners configurations that provides a couple of authentication methodologies like scram-sha-512, oauth and tls.

In order to enable the authentication we have to alter our Kafka cluster:

kfk clusters --alter --cluster my-cluster -n kafka

An editor will be opened in order to change the Strimzi Kafka cluster configuration. Since Strimzi Kafka cluster resource has many items inside, for now, we don’t have any special property flag in order to directly set the value while altering. That’s why we only open the cluster custom resource available for editing.

In the opened editor we have to add the following listeners as:

  plain: {}
      type: tls

If you want to fully secure your cluster you have to also change the plain listener for authentication, because with the upper configuration unless we use a client configuration that doesn’t use SSL security protocol it will use the plain one which doesn’t require any authentication. In order to do that, we can tell the plain listener in cluster config to use one of the authentication methodologies among scram-sha-512 or oauth. In this example we will set it as scram-sha-512 but we will show the authentication via scram-sha-512 in another example.

So the latest listener definition should be like this:

      type: scram-sha-512
      type: tls

Save the file and see the successfully edited message.

After the configuration change all the broker pods will be updated one by one, thanks to our operator. You can watch the pods state since we have to wait till each of them are in ready state.

watch kubectl get pods -n kafka

Now lets run our console producer and consumer again and see what happens:

kfk console-producer --topic my-topic -n kafka -c my-cluster
kfk console-consumer --topic my-topic -n kafka -c my-cluster

You got some WARN log messages saying disconnected (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient) from both producer and consumer right?

When we check the first pod logs that we ran the producer and consumer commands we can see the failed authentication message:

kubectl logs -f my-cluster-kafka-0 -c kafka -n kafka
2020-09-22 11:18:33,122 INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed authentication with / (Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake.) ( [data-plane-kafka-network-thread-0-ListenerName(PLAIN-9092)-SASL_PLAINTEXT-3]

Since we are not yet using SSL for authentication, but the PLAIN connection method, which we set up as scram-sha-512, we can not authenticate to the Strimzi Kafka cluster.

In order to login this cluster via SSL authentication we have to;

  • Create a user that uses TLS authentication
  • Create truststore and keystore files by getting the certificates from Openshift/Kubernetes cluster
  • Create a file that is to be used by producer and consumer clients in order to be able to authenticate via TLS

Let's first create the user with the name my-user:

kfk users --create --user my-user --authentication-type tls -n kafka -c my-cluster

After creating the user let's describe it to view a few attributes:

kfk users --describe --user my-user -n kafka -c my-cluster

At the bottom of the details of the user; in the status section, you can see a secret and a username definition:

Name:         my-user
Namespace:    kafka
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         KafkaUser
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-09-21T12:54:52Z
  Generation:          3
  Resource Version:    53996010
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 1c1dad0c-4e7a-4e63-933c-a785e6941021
    Type:  tls
  Observed Generation:     3
  Secret:                  my-user
  Username:                CN=my-user
Events:                    <none>

This means that a secret named my-user is created for this user and with the username CN=my-user as a common name definition.

In the secrets there are private and public keys that should be imported in the truststore and the keystore files that will be created shortly.

kubectl describe secret/my-user -n kafka
Name:         my-user
Namespace:    kafka
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

ca.crt:         1164 bytes
user.crt:       1009 bytes
user.key:       1704 bytes
user.p12:       2364 bytes
user.password:  12 bytes

In order create the truststore and keystore files just run the file in the example directory:

chmod a+x ./;./

This will generate two files:

  • truststore.jks for the client's truststore definition
  • user.p12 for the client's keystore definition

TLS authentications are made with bidirectional TLS handshake. In order to do this apart from a truststore that has the public key imported, a keystore file that has both the public and private keys has to be created and defined in the client configuration file.

So let's create our client configuration file.

Our client configuration should have a few definitions like:

  • Security protocol
  • Truststore location and password
  • Keystore location and password

Security protocol should be SSL and since the truststore and keystore files are located in the example directory the client config file should be something like this:


Since the script sets the store passwords as 123456 we use it in the config file.

Save it as (or just use the one that is already created in this directory with the name

Now it's time to test it. Let's call the console producer and consumer again, but this time with the client configuration:


Be careful to run producer and consumer commands from example's directory. Otherwise you have to change the truststore and keystore paths in the file.

kfk console-producer --topic my-topic -n kafka -c my-cluster --producer.config

The console producer seems to be working just fine since we can produce messages.


Let's run the console consumer to consume the just produced messages:

kfk console-consumer --topic my-topic -n kafka -c my-cluster --consumer.config

Worked like a charm!

We are able to configure the Strimzi cluster and use the client configurations for TLS authentication easily with Strimzi Kafka CLI.

Access the repo of this post from here:

If you are interested more, you can have a look at the short video that I explain the TLS authentication example here:

Take care👋

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About the author

Aykut Bulgu

Aykut Bulgu, a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on Apache Kafka and Strimzi. Previously, he worked as a software engineer, consultant, and trainer. Aykut worked on many enterprise projects—mainly Java™—and used many open source projects including Red Hat® JBoss® middleware.