All posts in " kafka-on-kubernetes "

Strimzi Kafka CLI Version Update (Strimzi 0.26.1 – 0.28.0)

By Aykut Bulgu / March 26, 2022

Hi everyone. I recently updated the Strimzi Kafka CLI to the following Strimzi versions: Strimzi 0.26.1 (for AMQ Streams 2.0.1) – 0.1.0a60 Strimzi 0.28.0 (latest) – 0.1.0a61 Note that 0.1.0a61 is the latest version and Strimzi CLI is still in alpha state. If you are using AMQ Streams 2.0.1, then install Strimzi CLI as follows: […]


A Cheat Sheet for Strimzi Kafka CLI

By Aykut Bulgu / August 31, 2021

TL;DR: You can download the Strimzi CLI Cheat Sheet from this link if you are curious about Strimzi CLI capabilities and want a kind of quick reference guide for it. It is a little bit more than one year since I first announced Strimzi Kafka CLI; a command-line interface for Strimzi Kafka Operator. It was […]